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UX Planet

This is all you need to know to conduct a UX Survey

A Few weeks ago at Google I/O extended event, during the talk of my colleague someone asked a question “How can we design fail-proof UX Survey for our product and services?”
You can’t, I can’t and no one can (I guess).There is no such thing as fail proof. We can just use our learnings to design a better survey experience. So that it gets us the desired learning about our users by making the surveys stink less. Read More....

UX Planet

Universal Design: Design for everyone

A few months back while travelling in the Metro,I saw an old person trying to get a ticket from a ticket vending machine. He tried repeatedly but, he couldn’t get the ticket. Then after around 5 minutes of struggle, he asked the person next to him for help.
But what if he didn’t have someone around him late at night? It struck me, and I started thinking about how can we design something that can be used by anyone and everyone? Read More....

UX Collective

Why Design Sprint is a must for Stakeholders?

Are you a person having ownership of the product in your company?, Or a person who runs a product business, a person whose success depends highly on the success of the product or the idea your team is building but unsure about whether that idea will work or not?
Because your product/idea is just not ready to get feedback from the users and your team says it might take them a couple of months to be really tested? Read more....

UX Planet

2 Fastest ways to be a better Visual Designer

Recently I met few UI/UX Designers, and they asked me about how to make a significant improvement in their Visual Design? Or how to learn it faster? So, I asked them why do you think that you are not good at Visual Design?They said oh! Rohan, we go to Dribbble and Behance and see such amazing designs with amazing layouts, typography, color combination, and it makes us feel that we aren’t capable of doing it on our own. Read more....

Rohan Mishra

6 things every UX designer should do

Small things that keep you in the game, and help level up.
A good designer is not just someone who can make stuff up but the one who can solve problems, collaborate with a team and communicate the value to various stakeholders.Design career as Julie Zhuo (VP, Product Design, Facebook) stated is divided into three parts:
Craft & Execution — sharpening the basics of design, mastering the tools, Read more....

UX Planet

7 Design Podcasts that Changed My Career (Every Designer should listen)

As a Designer, I am always on the lookout for new ways to enhance my skills, learn new techniques, and keep myself updated with the latest industry trends and been sharing it on the Youtube Channel.
Over the years, I have discovered that podcasts are an excellent way to achieve these objectives after Books. In this article, I will share my top 7 podcasts for Designers and one essential takeaway from each that has helped me. Read more....

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